I did a search for "online marketing help" and could not find this Blog, why?, there are more than 181 million pages with this registered at Google.
But where do you find a One to One online help. Searching for "UK one to one online marketing help" still finds over 13 million. So if you found this Blog, we are both happy.
See my other posts and see if you think I can help.
Your website or Blog already has a "Page Ranking", it is important to keep it or even improve the level, because you need sales now and in the future. The problem is always, "I don't have the time", or "I'm not interested, as I have to do more important things". You need help with marketing your company or services.
These small insignificant actions are necessary and I enjoy doing them, it's my hobby. Use the contact form and lets see if we could work together. See the marketing tips in the menu bar.
We have now created an expanding resource of marketing support help files. If you need information, this a good source, if you have marketing information, this can be added free of charge. See the link Internet Marketing list in the Menu.
A UK organisation has a very interesting concept for teaching. I have created a support help group on Squidoo at School of Everything.
Using Squidoo is an excellent free method of creating more information about your company. The Internet is a net, a spiders web, so you have to create many different types of links to your home website. Squidoo is a great way to do this.
Squidoo is a great solution for creating a stand alone webpage (called a Lens on Squidoo) which can compliment your existing website and Blog. creating-blogs
Here is a step by step guide to creating a Lens, creating-lenses. It is free and index very highly by search engines.
Prince Charles has launched his Rainforest video on YouTube. This is a great method to get your marketing message to a wide audience. Search engines often index these earlier than normal pages as these change very frequently. If you knew about YouTube, did you know there are 8 other methods of getting your video message out? So here is the Prince Charles Rainforest video.
The information is simple to use and is a great method to create addition links back to your website, it is updated frequently by search engines. I have more than 100.
Remember it is free, so it only costs your time, or if you would like, I can do it for you, just use the contact form.
I am not a web designer, yes small designs can be made, but this is not what I specialise in. Let's start with a typical requirement.
You have a website, but either it is not found in a search engine results at all, or is so far down the list it is a waste of effort. You have reduced staff levels, cut budgets, but still need sales. Maybe you are receiving loads of email enquiries, but with reduce staffing, they are not answered or take to long to reply.
This is where a "One to One" marketing support facility might help.
Well, if the following describes your company, then maybe I can offer a solution. The present crisis is not limited to any one country, it is global, lost customers, reduce bank credit, staff reductions, but you have worked so hard, you just don't want to give up. Survial is the name of the game now.
If you think I am just another "Marketing Man" or "Consultant", I'm not. My company was "taken over" in the last financial crisis in the 1990's, so I know how you might be feeling.
The idea of this Blog is to provide a shoulder to cry on and come up with possible ideas and solutions, I am no Guru, just a normal person enjoying life. If you need help now, you can fill in the contact form and I will get back to you shortly.